‘Milk, Nutritious by Nature’ is a science–based information programme from the European Milk Forum (EMF). Its aim is to create awareness of the nutrient richness and health impact of milk and dairy foods, and to build a clearer understanding of the role of milk and dairy in a healthy, sustainable diet across Europe.
In addition to the Dairy Council for Northern Ireland, EMF comprises dairy organisations in eight other countries – Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Norway and Switzerland.
Communication with nutrition and health professionals is through a variety of channels including scientific overviews of dairy’s impact on nutrition and health, and a series of symposia, the output from which are available to you here.
A particular focus for EMF are the health effects of the Dairy Matrix. The Dairy Matrix concept is that the unique combination of nutrients, bioactive factors, structure and other components in dairy, and how they interact, combine to produce the overall effect of dairy foods on health.
For more information about the Nutritious by Nature programme please visit the website www.milknutritiousbynature.eu